I think we planned to start with 3.0.0. But for today, I just released with the normal versioning approach, so we're at 2.8.2 right now. We are going to make a change to the folder and filenaming (teioxygen -> oxygen-tei, to reflect the actual project name and disambiguate from the teioxygen debian package), so I think we'll do all those things at the same time. I'm thinking that when I do my how-it-works-and-how-to-build-it show-and-tell, we could actually do a live build-and-release in which these changes are made, with everyone watching. Today's run of the ant script revealed a couple of minor things I need to fix, but one of them really is dependent on the file name change, because I wrote the script on the assumption that would be changing. Cheers, Martin On 15-05-26 01:44 PM, Hugh Cayless wrote:
We’ll have to start above 2.8.0, won’t we?
On May 26, 2015, at 16:40 , Syd Bauman <syd@paramedic.wwp.neu.edu> wrote:
Yes, that's what I would suggest, too. When we switch names, start with 1.0.0?
MAJOR version changes whenever a new P5 comes out;
MINOR version changes whenever a new Stylesheets version comes out but P5 has not changed;
THIRD version number changes when only the plugin codebase changes, but P5 and the Stylesheets remain the same.
Does that make sense?
That makes perfect sense to me! Others? -- tei-council mailing list tei-council@lists.tei-c.org http://lists.lists.tei-c.org/mailman/listinfo/tei-council
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