Hi all, I have what looks like a working setup on my Jenkins box for building two versions of the Oxygen TEI plugin. The original build job, "oxygen-tei", to which some of you may have subscribed, is now replaced by "oxygen-tei-bleeding", to which you can subscribe here: <http://teijenkins.hcmc.uvic.ca/job/oxygen-tei-bleeding/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/oxygen-tei/updateSite.oxygen> while there is also now "oxygen-tei-stable", to which if you want you can subscribe here: <http://teijenkins.hcmc.uvic.ca/job/oxygen-tei-stable/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/oxygen-tei/updateSite.oxygen> The idea is that oxygen-tei-bleeding builds with the latest plugin code against the latest trunk builds of P5 and the Stylesheets, enabling us to see if any change to any of these has broken the plugin; oxygen-tei-stable builds with the latest plugin code, but against the current release versions of P5 and the Stylesheets, enabling us to see what a release version of the plugin would look like if either we or Syncro built one right now. The build is now being done with ant, and in addition to these two targets, there's also: ant syncro which builds a version for the Syncro folks using the latest stable P5 and Stylesheets, as they would do when creating a build for a new Oxygen release. Up to now they've been using our original update-and-upload.sh script, and then preventing it from uploading to SourceForge as it tries to do. That script also requires that you _know_ the correct versions of P5 and the Stylesheets, and supply them correctly on the command line; the new ant build script works that information out for itself. Finally, there is: ant stable which is what our release technician would use during a P5 release process, or what we would use to release an official build of our version of the plugin. This builds in the same way as the version above, but also offers to upload the result to SourceForge, and creates a new version of the updateSite.oxygen file which it offers to upload to tei-c.org. This should make releasing a new plugin version much easier, I hope (although it can only truly be tested for real when we come to release a version, so I'd like to be the one who runs it for real the first time in case something goes wrong). I've added the new job configs for Jenkins to SVN, where James can find them for the Oxford Jenkins, when he has the time. This is all brand-new and only gently tested, so let me know if you try anything, and please report any problems with as much detail as you can. Cheers, Martin