25 May
25 May
7:33 a.m.
Hi all, I’m putting together a draft agenda at http://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/Council_Agenda_2015-05 <http://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/Council_Agenda_2015-05>. Items for discussion are to be found in the Minutes Google Doc at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V7RB54nYMKeXPqPAGxjbKmXwViz0vLFfwzGo4Qle... Please add any additional business items you have to that list. I’ll be working more on it and the agenda today and tomorrow. Martin had proposed talking about how to build the Oxygen plugin. Do we have any other possible technical talks? Anything for TEI Simple or Pure ODD, for example? Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday! Hugh