Hi all, I'd like to send out the invitation for the informal TEI to Spanish meet-up tomorrow and have some questions: 1. Alex, could you help me with the translation? I think it would be nice to have one for Spanish mailinglists. 2. I can remember that James recently told me that there is an email address for the Council chair which I can use for such purposes. Can you tell me again what it is? I cannot find it... 3. Does anyone have more ideas for channels: TEI-L, redHD (mailinglist), Humanidades Digitales on Slack, http://listserv.uleth.ca/mailman/listinfo/globaloutlookdh-l 4. See the draft below... I'm glad to report that Gimena del Rio Riande and Luis Meneses will join us! Dear colleagues, in an effort to promote the multi-lingual availability and distribution of the TEI Guidelines, the TEI Council would like to invite you to an informal meet-up and planning session at the upcoming ADHO DH annual conference in Mexico City, to plan and discuss the translation of the TEI Guidelines specifications into Spanish. We would be delighted if you would participate in this endeavor after the DH Opening Reception on Tuesday 26 June, at 8 pm. If you would like to join us, please write a brief confirmation to martina.scholger@uni-graz.at<mailto:martina.scholger@uni-graz.at>. Best wishes, Martina Martina Scholger Zentrum für Informationsmodellierung Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities Universität Graz A-8010 Graz | Elisabethstraße 59/III +43 316 380 2291 martina.scholger@uni-graz.at<mailto:martina.semlak@uni-graz.at> http://informationsmodellierung.uni-graz.at<http://informationsmodellierung.uni-graz.at/> | http://gams.uni-graz.at<http://gams.uni-graz.at/> Institut für Dokumentologie und Editorik e.V. | https://www.i-d-e.de/ Chair of the TEI Technical Council | http://www.tei-c.org/