Hi all, I'm struggling with Makefile from svn repo. Any time I try to make I have this error BUILD FAILED /media/Archivio/src/tei-code/P5/antbuilder.xml:102: Fatal error during transformation using /usr/share/xml/tei/stylesheet/odds/odd2relax.xsl: A sequence of more than one item is not allowed as the result of function tei:generateRefPrefix() ("TEI_model.contentPart", "TEI_model.contentPart", ...) ; SystemID: file:/usr/share/xml/tei/stylesheet/odds/teiodds.xsl; Line#: 2339; Column#: -1 The first time I've run it this morning (after implementing a ticket) it has worked. Then before to check I thought to implement a couple of other tickets, make again to see if something had broken and the error jumped out, but it has apparently nothing to do with my modifications. I have already tried to: make clean 1000 times delete and download again my stylesheets deb try to use online stylesheets as referenced in the makefile (nope the URL is broken) re-checkout the trunk and try the build with an untouched svn local copy curse all the possible deities hit the pc with a baseball bat any hint??? f