In my own copy of the Guidelines, which I’ll probably switch to a branch in the main repo soon, I’ve been playing with the new app. crit. capabilities. As you probably remember, we decided that allowing larger structures inside <lem> and <rdg> made sense, as long as there wasn’t any violation of the abstract model (e.g. using <rdg> to put a <p> inside a <p>). I’ve been experimenting with adding Schematron rules that enforce abstract model concepts, such as: "no <p> inside <p> or <ab>", "no <div> inside <p>" etc. These are general rules, nothing to do with the critical apparatus changes per se, but they should help. The commit with the changes is and you can experiment by grabbing a copy of and trying to cheat by putting, say, <p> inside a <rdg> inside an <l>. If you do this in Oxygen, it should fuss at you and identify the problem at the correct spot. There are changes to prose that still need to be made, and there are probably more Schematron rules we could add, but I think this is workable. Thoughts?