TEI PBWWM. (Printed books by white western men. ;-) ) (And yes, I know the objections to that, but exceptions aside it still does capture the limitations of scope for the TE Simple project.) Ok, I still like TEI Simple. I think people could then build on this to do say critical editions with TEI Simple Editions, manuscript descriptions with TEI Simple msDesc, and corpora with TEI Simple Corpora, etc. etc. i.e. I view it as a starting point which some people will just use but from which we can make the more specific customisations targeting specific communities. If you decide it is just about print or books then TEI Books and TEI Print aren't *bad*. Just don't float my boat as much. -James On 20/10/16 18:13, Lou Burnard wrote:
I'd really like us to come to a conclusion on what the-schema-formerly-known-as-simple should be called, this week if possible.
So far I've noticed some mild approval (and one objection) to renaming it as TEI Print. There's also been some mild approval for the notion that its current name is not good. But no other alternative seems to command support.
My experience has always been that deciding on a name for anything can take weeks and weeks and never reach any satisfactory conclusion because it's always possible to say "nah I dont like it". So can we have a sharp deadline for this discussion? I suggest Monday 24th, midnight CET.
And a rule that says "if you don't like [name] you have to propose a better one" might help too.
-- Dr James Cummings, James.Cummings@it.ox.ac.uk Academic IT Services, University of Oxford