Not that a single extra obsolete/ directory makes the repository much messier, I think you're right. Since those interested in the voice of history can easily recover the raw data via $ svn co -r{2011-06-01} ... I think deletion is better than bothering with the "simply move obsolete/ directory" option. HOWEVER, far better than either of these is to *annotate* the old stuff. Interestingly, it does not matter whether it is annotated by moving things into the obsolete/ directory and adding a README file to each directory moved in there, or by creating one HISTORICAL_README file which discusses each higher-level deleted item. E.g. * skywrite/ - a set of customizations (against P5 2.2.0 and 2.3.0) designed by the SIG on advertisements for handling skywriting. Includes elements for recording wind conditions and the estimated duration of time the writing was readable. Never incorporated into the Guidelines. first created = r1234, 2012-10-02 last revised = r4321, 2013-07-12 deleted = r5432, 2015-01-30 That said, as good an idea as annotation is, I'm 50/50 as to whether it would be worth the time and effort needed.
I’m with Hugh [deletion better than move to obsolete/] here.
The cleaner the repository is, the easier for newcomers to make their way through. That said, we are always desperately in need of human voices of history who will tell what’s been there and where to find it.