On 04/08/15 22:33, Syd Bauman wrote:
1) Turns out this error exists because the changes made to the P5 trunk/ have (apparently) not been folded back into the P5-Pure/ branch for awhile. I changed tei_enrich.odd removing the <defaultVal> in question on 2015-06-25.
Ah, good. That's a very satisfactory explanation, which incidently reveals my total ignorance as to how exactly I should be "folding back" changes from the P5 trunk into the P5-Pure branch. I'll try to find out, and stop wingeing.
2) But if their thinking was "if the attribute is not supplied, it should be assumed to take the default value", it is faulty thinking. If the attribute is not supplied, the user gets a validation error message because a required attribute was not supplied.
I am not sure that this is in fact what happens. I think that in a DTD environment at least the default value is, as it were, present if the user does not supply it, and that hence the "required attribute" constraint is satisfied. But if we've decided to remove all these default values anyway and just make the attribute mandatory, the question is purely academic. I note (rather late) that another way of resolving it might have been to relax the "required value" constraint. The reason for specifying defaults is usually that the default value is so bleeding obvious it seems a pain to require it, e.g. @columns="1".