On 27/02/15 13:17, Martin Holmes wrote:
"In this case, the original manuscript is being encoded with msPart in order to provide information about the dispersed parts, or one distinct part is being encoded."
Does this mean that, conceivably, the "larger original manuscript" is being encoded with a _single_ msPart, or that it's being encoded with a _series_ of msPart elements, one for each component?
I believe the latter. They want to use an msPart per manuscript fragment and gather those together into an msDesc for a virtual manuscript which may (or may not) have existed if these fragments were once all one piece. Pros: Gives them a way to have putative descriptions for now dispersed manuscripts; Cons: much of msDesc is focussed on describing a real-world object there in front of the person. Although I don't like the needless proliferation of elements, one could propose that a composite vs dispersed MS are such different things that it needs an <msFrag> or other such element. But on if we think msPart/type='dispersed' is not enough, and accept that they shouldn't be doing 5 separate msDescs for a MS dispersed into 5 pieces. -J -- Dr James Cummings, James.Cummings@it.ox.ac.uk Academic IT Services, University of Oxford