14 Dec
14 Dec
3:24 p.m.
<cit> <quote>Can I get a “Vote for Martina” button?</quote> <bibl> <title>TEI Technical Council Teleconference, 2018-10-22 13:00Z</title> <ptr target="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n_Zo-s-PQeMCKwJPmGYbs0F9CMD0VcQe4Vie_Yo2frw/edit#heading=h.kghlslgjezfn"/> </bibl> </cit> I haven't changed my mind since Oct. :-) HC> I think Martina is doing well, and should continue as chair. EM> I second Martina's candidacy MS> I'd be happy to serve as Chair of the TEI Technical Council for MS> another year. I learned a lot this year and have no doubt that MS> there is yet more to learn. PS> May I encourage you (Martina) to stand for election once more?! PS> My feeling is you’re just about getting warm :)