2 Feb
2 Feb
5:19 a.m.
Looks like we have (sort of) a winner: the week of April 27–May 1. Raffaele marked "if need be" for the 27th–29th and Lou and Fabio for the 29th–May 1. How much of a problem are those conflicts? In particular, would travel to the US or Europe make them impossible? If I’m not mistaken, these are the offers to host we’ve had so far: ## US Boston (Syd) College Park (Raffaele) Ann Arbour (Paul) ## Canada Victoria (Martin) ## Europe Mainz (Peter) Estonia (maybe…) Is that correct? Other takers or ideas? Hugh /** * Hugh A. Cayless, Ph.D * hugh.cayless@duke.edu * Duke Collaboratory for Classics Computing (DC3) * http://blogs.library.duke.edu/dcthree/ **/