I'm confused. I am trying to remove macro.anyXML from P5 per its deprecation message. You might think this would be trivial. Remove the one reference to it from Source/Guidelines/en/ST-Infrastructure.xml,[1] and `git mv Source/Specs/macro.anyXML.xml Source/Defunct/`. Presto. No such luck. I've been at this for hours, now, and I'm getting quite close. The problem I'm running into now is that (in my local directory) <egXML> is now defined by <anyElement>, not by macro.anyXML, as the latter does not exist. But when used in a content model, <anyElement> (for reasons I cannot explain and I doubt anyone can) does not permit elements from the TEI namespace or the <teix:egXML> element. In P5 itself, it makes sense to disallow elements from the TEI namespace in <teix:egXML>. But I don't think it makes sense to disallow <teix:egXML> from being used inside <teix:egXML> itself. In fact, *we use a <teix:egXML> inside a <teix:egXML> twice in P5*, both in the tagdoc for <egXML>. So I thought I would try removing the restriction for P5 itself that <anyElement> not allow <teix:egXML>. The tagdoc for <anyElement> says Default elements and namespaces to be excluded are set on the <att>defaultExceptions</att> attribute of the <gi>schemaSpec</gi>. <att>except</att> may be used when the exceptions need to be locally specified. So, I went off looking for the <schemaSpec defaultExceptions="teix:egXML http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0"> for P5. To my surprise, I could not find *any* <tei:schemaSpec> that seems to be the definition of our schema.[2] Anyone know where the <schemaSpec> generated by the source in Source/ is? I'm guessing there isn't one, and that's why you *always* need to use a customization file (if only tei_all), because it is what has the <schemaSpec>. But then, where are the default exclusions for @except of <anyElement> declared? I tried changing the <anyElement> in the <content> declaration of <egXML> to just except="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0", in the hopes that that would override (rather than add to) the default. Didn't work. So I went back to re-defining <teix:egXML> in p5odds.odd. But I think that has always been a mistake, and hope we can find some other fix. Committed at b1e0267. Hope Mr. Jenkins is happy. Notes ----- [1] Like many other macros, it is part of ST via an XInclude, so you just have to delete the one line. [2] Excluding Exemplars/ and Test/, the following are all the .xml or .odd files that have a <schemaSpec>, and their attributes: | ---------Incubator/TBX/TEI-TBX.odd | ident=TBXBasic | start=TEI teiCorpus | | ---------P5/p5odds-examples.odd | ns=http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples | ident=p5odds-examples | prefix=TEI_ | start=p egXML | | ---------P5/p5odds.odd | ident=p5odds | prefix=TEI_ | start=TEI schemaSpec elementSpec classSpec macroSpec dataSpec div | | ---------Extensions/Menota/menota.odd | ident=menota | start=TEI teiCorpus | | ---------Extensions/Lite/teilite.xml | ident=teilite | start=TEI | | ---------Extensions/ProtestantCemetery/cem.odd | ident=teicem | start=TEI teiCorpus | | ---------Extensions/BNC/bncxml.odd | ident=bncxml | xml:lang=en | prefix= | ns= | start=teiHeader bncDoc teiCorpus | | ---------Extensions/Lampeter/lampext.xml | ident=lamptei | start=TEI teiCorpus | | ---------Documents/notatedMusic/notatedMusic.xml | ident=tei_notatedmusic | docLang=en | xml:lang=en | targetLang=en | start=TEI TEICorpus | | ---------Documents/TCW/anyXML.odd | ident=anyXML | | ---------Documents/oddmanual/index.xml | ident=oddex1 | start=TEI | | ---------Documents/oddmanual/teidoc.odd | ident=teidoc | | ---------Documents/Object/object.odd | ident=object | start=TEI | | ---------Documents/pureODD/chainingTuto/justTranscription.xml | ident=justTranscription | start=text | source=motherODD.compiled | | ---------Documents/pureODD/chainingTuto/motherODD.xml | ident=mother | start=TEI | | ---------Documents/pureODD/chainingTuto/justMetadata.xml | ident=justMetadata | start=teiHeader | source=motherODD.compiled | | ---------genetic/geneticTEI-0.xml | ident=geneticTEI | docLang=en | prefix=tei_ | start=teiCorpus TEI | xml:lang=en | targetLang=en | | ---------genetic/geneticTEI.xml | ident=geneticTEI | docLang=en | xml:lang=en | targetLang=en | | ---------genetic/p5genetic.xml | ident=testgenetic | start=TEI | | ---------I18N/examples.odd | ident=examples | prefix=TEI_ | start=TEI | | ---------I18N/testodd.xml | ident=test | start=TEI | | ---------I18N/teilite-es.xml | ident=teilite-es | start=TEI