On 22/06/15 19:07, Martin Holmes wrote:
It all depends on what we mean by a datatype. What does TEI mean by "datatype"?
We mean (informally speaking) an abstraction which defines the set of possible values for some attribute or attributes. Or so I believe.
So we're never going to constrain element content based on datatypes?
This is an interesting question. Here is what I know so far: 1., Yes, syntactically at least, you can certainly say <content><rng:ref name="data.count"/></content> 2. So it ought to be possible equivalently in pure ODD to say <content><dataRef key="data.count"/></content> or indeed <content><dataRef name="anyURI"/></content> 3. BUT this will not currently generate a valid DTD (you may not care, but some folks do...) 4. And moreover <content><oneOrMore><dataRef key="data.foo"/></oneOrMore</content> produces a RELAXNG schema which is invalid according to jing ("repeat of string or data element")