It's complaining about the thing you filed a Stylesheets bug on, Syd:, i.e. your change to
att.datable.w3c. Not only are the Stylesheets failing to handle this in
generating a schema, but they're glitching the PDF generation too.
Not sure if it's because this is the only one in a classSpec, or because
it's the only one that tries to choose between an attDef and an attList.
It's also the only one with an @org="group", which I notice is the default
value. Does @org="group" really need to exist then?
What's supposed to happen as output? I'm assuming a change to the content
model in RNG, but I'm not sure it's made sufficiently clear what you can
do, or are supposed to be able to do with attLists.
Anyway, Syd, in the near term, I think you should remove the choice between
the attDef and attList, and add a Schematron rule to enforce the correct
attribute usage if you're worried about it. Then someone who knows what
this means should comment on the Stylesheets ticket saying exactly what the
Stylesheets are supposed to do.
On Sun, Mar 13, 2016 at 1:00 PM, Lou Burnard
FWIW, the only error I am seeing when I try to build the latest source to PDF (including your table) is complaints about the absence of the Koichi font.
On 13/03/16 03:32, Syd Bauman wrote:
Mr. Jenkins now fails to build the Guidelines on my latest push. Looks very much like the error is in making the PDF version: [echo] make LaTeX and PDF BUILD FAILED /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/TEIP5/workspace/P5/antbuilder.xml:161: exec returned: 1 And line 161 of P5/antbuilder.xml is <exec executable="${XELATEX}" failonerror="true">
But what in [BLEEEP] might I have done that breaks PDF (but not HTML) generation? That table I added to ND?
Any ideas (or better yet, fixes) appreciated.
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