The TEI webmaster or assistant webmaster has run our annual elections using OpaVote for a number of years. Our documentation on the process also discusses some of the features of the software: https://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/TEI-C_and_TAPAS_Election_Process . In short, I can't think of any cons. Even the fees to use it are small. --Kevin On 3/11/17 9:39 AM, Alejandro Bia wrote:
Dear all,
Does anybody now who was in charge of managing OpaVote during the last TEI elections?
Elena González Blanco, from EADH, asked me to find out. She is looking for first-hand advice on the pros and cons of OpaVote. I guess EADH is planning to use it.
Best, Alex.-
--------------------------------------------------------- Dr. ALEJANDRO BIA e-mail: abia@umh.es
CIO (Operations Research Center) Deputy Director of DEMI (Department of Statistics, Mathematics and Computer Science), Area of Languages and Computing Systems Secretary of the HDH (Hispanic Digital Humanities) association Member of the TEI Council (Text Encoding Initiative)
Miguel Hernández University Torretamarit building Av. Universidad s/n, E-03202, Elche, SPAIN http://dhw.umh.es/alex-bia/index.php?lang=eng Phone: +34 644447008 Skype: alex-bia ---------------------------------------------------------
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