Hello Council members, Ian, our sysadmin, and I have been corresponding and working through the details of the plan to switch over from OpenCMS to WordPress. As with the rest of the process, we keep turning up details that we want to get right to minimize breakage and downtime. We're making progress, so I still think we'll manage to wrap up this work soon! Anyway, I'm writing today about the future of the SIG on Libraries. (Any other SIG convenor would write to the Council chair and ask for the Council to discuss, but since I can still post to this list, I thought I'd just write to you directly.) As in our SIG report delivered in Victoria and as I wrote to the SIG's email list in November, Stefanie Gehrke and I (the currently named convenors of the SIG) need to step down from our roles. No one else has stepped forward to take over. I suggest we retire the SIG until the day when someone else wants to revive it. (You might want to do the same for the other long inactive SIGs. We can certainly update the website to show which are actually active.) Separately, though, you might remember a discussion in mid-May on TEI-L about best practices around use of <sourceDesc>. Martin Mueller suggested that the SIG on Libraries prepare a proposal on this, and he volunteered to lead such an effort: https://listserv.brown.edu/archives/cgi-bin/wa?A2=TEI-L;93f8cf13.1805 It seems that this might be better handled as a Council-chartered task force rather than as an activity of the SIG on Libraries, which in theory addresses an ongoing set of interests. Please feel free to get that work going. Neither Stefanie nor I are able to take on this work at this time. Kevin