I think it has to happen on both @certs, otherwise there will be serious confusion. Syd, you seem to be arguing that data.certainty itself ought to enable both options -- are you? Cheers, Martin On 2015-05-31 03:59 PM, Syd Bauman wrote:
Are we talking about the @cert of <certainty> or that of att.global.responsibility, or both?
And while we're at it, do we think data.certainty too lame for its other uses? They are: att.dimensions/@precision precision/@precision purpose/@degree
(The idea what we took the precision out of <precision> by replacing the arbitrarily precise @degree with the necessarily imprecise @precision is mind-boggling to me.)
At one point in my history on this issue I argued for exactly what Martin is proposing -- an alternation between the arbitrarily precise numerical representation and the necessarily imprecise words. After all, the two can never be confused with one another.
I think it would make sense to take a look at all uses of both data.certainty and data.probability and perhaps rationalize 'em. In the meantime, I see nothing wrong with checking this change in.