Today I have been mostly looking at attribute classes and valLists 1. deleted att.declaring (not much point in keeping it, since att.declarable is already gone) 2. Simplified att.editLike by - deleting @evidence and @instant - deleting @precision from att.dimension - deleting att.ranging I wrote a stylesheet to re-insert valLists supplied by the ODD into the body of the text (there are about five of them). In the process I noticed that one of my favourite examples is no longer viable. It starts like this: <p>On those remote pages it is written that animals are divided into <list rendition="#runOn"> <item n="a">those that belong to the Emperor,</item> <item n="b"> embalmed ones, </item> <item n="c"> those that are trained, </item> <item n="d"> suckling pigs, </item> ... There is no simple:runOn rendition defined anywhere, so that @rendition value is dead in the water. And maybe it should be a @type="runOn" anyway. What do you suggest? At this late stage, despite the pain, I am tending to think I may have to sacrifice the whole example.