We had a successful meeting, in that we learned a bunch and got some stuff done. That said, we didn't really learn much about how the stylesheets are assembled or their interconnections, which is the main goal. But it was still very productive and helpful, IMHO. We only addressed (2), below, and found (not surprisingly) that there is a can of worms hidden therein. Quick summary: a. DOIs are incorrectly encoded in BIB. Only the DOI itself should be the content of <idno>, not a complete URL. We fixed this. b. Of course, if there is only a DOI, it would be nice if the Stylesheets converted it to a URL so you can click on it. We fixed this, too. (But Mr. Jenkins has not given his approval, yet.) The initial portion of the DOI URL can be set as a parameter. The default is "http://dx.doi.org/", which is what BIB used to have. The parameter is $DOIResolver. c. We decided that the matching of the @type of <idno> (at least for DOIs and URLs) should be case insensitive, and made it so. d. We discussed the spacing issue (the original issue on the ticket), and discovered that we do not know how the space between, e.g., "Ashok Malhotra (eds.)" and "XML Schema Part 2" is getting in there. e. We did not actually try to fix the spacing issue. It will take a little more time. f. We did not write up documentation for the new parameter, $DOIResolver.
We are planning to meet again (on Google Hangouts -- will someone volunteer to set up the Hangout, please?) at 14:00Z, i.e., in ~15 mins.
The only things (I know of) for the agenda are:
1) trying to work out the rest of the ODD processing table[1], which IIRC Martin & I were supposed to work on prior to the call, but we didn't get to; and
2) tackling a ticket. Martin & I chatted and thought that ticket #206 might be something that we could handle as a group in < 1 hour.[2]
Also worth mentioning that I mentioned the goal of a complete re-write to MSMcQ, who pointed me to an article by Joel Spolsky.[3] (Joel is one of the guys who started both Trello and StackOverflow; he is *very* smart, and I think usually right on target. It is certainly worth reading.)
Notes ----- [1] https://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/Mapping_ODD_processing [2] https://github.com/TEIC/Stylesheets/issues/206 [3] https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2000/04/06/things-you-should-never-do-part-i/