Hi all, I've gone through and assigned all of the unassigned issues (except for a couple of red ones). Your task is to at least investigate enough to form an opinion and make a comment on each ticket recommending a course of action. If there's a consensus in the comments, you can turn it green and do it, or if you can't do it yourself, hand it over to someone who can. Kevin has asked that we freeze posting in the CMS until it has been migrated, so I'm behind on posting the minutes with no way to catch up. I'm thinking I may just start a "documentation" repo and put both the minutes and the TCW docs there. I don't really like having documentation in the TEI repo, as updating the docs really shouldn't trigger a Jenkins build. We talked about this a bit at the last F2F iirc, but I don't remember if we reached a consensus on it. All the best, Hugh