Hi all, As part of ticket 526: https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/526/ I've got a basic build of oxygen-tei running on my Jinks: http://teijenkins.hcmc.uvic.ca/ However, there's still a lot to do: - It needs a recent oxygen.jar. I tried to use the one which is in /usr/share/lib/oxygen/lib/, but that was too old. Could the TEI packages be updated to include a more recent oxygen.jar? That would save having to provide a more recent version manually for ant to use in the build process. - Right now I'm just using the default ant build. We normally build a full distro using Sebastian's update-and-upload.sh script; I'll have to adapt that script to do the full Jenkins build without doing the upload. - When I do that, I presume I should be using not the current release of the Stylesheets and P5, but the latest builds from Jenkins, so we have a fully-functional version from trunk. Does anyone see any objection to that? - On the ticket, Sebastian says we'll need to sign the jar files before the results will work (and we'll need them to work in order to test the framework). This doesn't seem to be happening, though, in the update-and-upload.sh script. If that's the case, how come the TEI plugin is working for anyone? Cheers, Martin