22 Jan
22 Jan
1:33 p.m.
The <param> element currently declares its content to be "macro.xpath" -- i.e. it can contain only an XPath. It would be a lot easier to enforce this constraint if the content were supplied as an attribute, e.g. "value" so, eg, instead of <param name="foo">@bar</param> <param name="default">corr</param> <param name="lang">ancestor::*/@xml:lang</param> <param name="place">'foot'</param> I suggest <param name="foo" value="@bar"/> <param name="default" value="corr"/> <param name="lang" value="ancestor::*/@xml:lang"/> <param name="place" value="'foot'"/> Anyone got strong feelings against this change? The @place example looks a bit dodgy, but otherwise it seems a fairly benign enhancement.