(adding Kathryn since this will be useful to her too) Syd, The figure of $343 that you quote for Vienna is used as the basis for reimbursement for *all* daily expenses without receipts. However, the TEI-C uses only the Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) per-diem rates, requiring receipts for other expenses. So, at https://aoprals.state.gov/web920/per_diem_action.asp?MenuHide=1&CountryCode=1072 the figure to use is $122. But then, according to http://www.tei-c.org/Board/procedures.xml#PerDiem , you take 70% of this rate. Thus the "TEI per diem" is $85.40. While the procedures document explains how to calculate the rate for incidentals, the reimbursement form doesn't have a place to claim it, and the institutions I've worked at in the US, which also use the M&IE rates, don't use this figure in any way either. So I would stick to the rates for meals: breakfast (20% of TEI per diem): $17.08 lunch (28% of TEI per diem): $23.91 dinner (32% of TEI per diem): $27.33 As you explain, though, you should claim this amount for each meal that you paid for out of pocket. So this wouldn't include any breakfasts included in your hotel room rate, any meals provided by the conference, or any meals purchased by others. Kevin On 10/2/16 5:07 PM, Syd Bauman wrote:
So I've read a bit more of the TEI policy and chatted with Michelle. Seems I was incorrect that TEI-C will only be reimbursing our meals up until Tue night. And I think John now uses PayPal to reimburse us, in which case my idea that it is better for an American to pay for a meal is probably outdated.[1]
Anyway, if I understand correctly, each Council member should submit actual receipts for accommodation (hotel) and travel (taxi, bus, flight, parking, etc.) that is > 20 USD. Small trips, etc., less than that are just included in the incidentals, below.
Each Council member should claim per diems for up to three "incidental" periods for every day she or he was in Vienna on TEI business: one for morning, one for afternoon, one for evening. And the entire conference (I now think) is considered TEI business. So, using myself as an example: I arrived in Vienna on Sat morning 09-23 and left on Sat morning 10-01. Thus for me there are 8 morning periods, 7 afternoon periods, and 7 evening periods. Each period is reimbursed as follows:[2]
morning = 12.005 USD afternoon = 16.807 USD evening = 19.208 USD
So I should request (+ (* 12.005 8) (* 16.807 7) (* 19.208 7) ), or 348.15 USD for incidentals.
Meals are calculated similarly, except that you (obviously) only request the per diem reimbursement for a meal that you paid for. If the meal was provided by the conference (i.e., 2 lunches, 1 dinner) or paid for by a colleague (like our group dinners were), or you skipped that meal, then don't request reimbursement.
breakfast = 48.020 USD lunch = 67.228 USD dinner = 76.832 USD
Doesn't matter if your meal cost more or less, this is what you should ask for if you paid for it. (Again, make sure not to request payment for meals you didn't pay for;[3] and don't request per diem payment for a group meal you paid for, submit the actual receipt.)
All this should be recorded on a Travel Reimbursement Form (which is at http://www.tei-c.org/Admin/TEI_travel_form.pdf) and mail it to John by the end of October.
I've CCed Michelle and John on this so they can openly correct anything I've gotten wrong.
Notes ----- [1] Which means I probably owe John an apology for paying for group meals. It's certainly a bit harder on him to deal with a single payment, where he has to check that no one I payed for is also submitting a per diem, than to just do per diems for everyone.
[2] Using a base rate of 70% of the U.S. Department of State meals and incidentals per diem rate for Vienna. Thu USDoS rate for Vienna this year is 343 USD; 70% of that is 240.10 USD. https://aoprals.state.gov/web920/per_diem_action.asp?MenuHide=1&CountryCode=1072
[3] I paid for: dinner 09-24: myself plus EM, MS, EB, MT, HC, LB, PS; dinner 09-25: myself plus PS, HC, LB, JC, MS, SM, EB, EM; dinner 09-26: myself plus HC, LB, EB, SM, PS, EM, JC, MS; dinner 09-27: myself plus EM, EB.