I am working on Stylesheet issue 135, which (IMHO) is a very serious bug. Yesterday I spun my wheels for perhaps 1/2 an hour to an hour being flummoxed. I then realized we have two almost identical (but a little different) templates that match tei:dataRef. One is in odds/teiodds.xsl, the other in odds/odd2relax.xsl. I don't understand the logic yet (I haven't tried), but it is empirically obvious that the former is run when building P5, the latter when making a customization with `roma`. Can someone explain to me 1) Why we have both 2) Where I should put a subroutine that I want both to be able to call The @minOccurs and @maxOccurs are handled differently by a variety of different routines, which makes this tough. But I am making progress.