We've been using Google Hangouts with the phone conference room as a backup. It has a 10-user limit. If someone who has a Google Apps account can initiate it (Elli has one through Brown, for example), then the limit is higher and we have no problem. What I've been doing is calling out from the Hangout to the conference room, so people can join there if they need to. It's a bit unwieldy, but it works. We used Skype for a while, but it's less reliable. So if you have an internet connection where you are, you should be fine. On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 5:10 PM, Alejandro Bia <abia@umh.es> wrote:
Is it a phone-based conference call (as it used to be)?
Oct. 27 is fine, but... I will be 10000 km away from my office and I will need to get a phone and to figure out how to connect (without causing long distance call expenses to the owner of the phone and be hated ever after). ;-)
Nov. 17 is fine, in all respects.
Best, Alex.-
At 14:11 13/10/2016, you wrote:
Hi all,
Oct. 27 is ok with me Nov. 17 also
Best Peter
Am 12.10.2016 um 20:10 schrieb Hugh Cayless <philomousos@gmail.com>:
Hi all,
I we continue to follow our current pattern, we'll have our next telecon on the last Thursday in October, i.e. Thursday, October 27th at 09:00 EDT / 14:00 BST / 15:00 CEST. Is this still ok with everyone? Is it ok with our new members?
If we're still going to try to release the first week of December (and I take that to mean the first full week, so Dec. 59), it would be nice to meet in November, but the last Thursday in November is Thanksgiving, so impossible for the USA folks. Would the Thursday before at the same time work? Or shall I put up a Doodle poll?
Hugh -- tei-council mailing list tei-council@lists.tei-c.org http://lists.lists.tei-c.org/mailman/listinfo/tei-council
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-- tei-council mailing list tei-council@lists.tei-c.org http://lists.lists.tei-c.org/mailman/listinfo/tei-council
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--------------------------------------------------------- ALEJANDRO BIA e-mail: abia@umh.es
CIO - DEMI Centro de Investigación Operativa Departamento de Estadística, Matemáticas e Informática Área de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
Universidad Miguel Hernández Ed. Torretamarit, Av. Universidad s/n, CP:03202, Elche, ESPAÑA Web: http://dhw.umh.es/alex-bia/ Tel: +34 966658973 Móvil: +34 644447008 Skype: alex-bia --------------------------------------------------------- --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. https://www.avast.com/antivirus
-- tei-council mailing list tei-council@lists.tei-c.org http://lists.lists.tei-c.org/mailman/listinfo/tei-council
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