Ah, yes, thanks. You are right: I am using a version of the Stylesheets in which the content of the <content> element is assumed to be pure ODD, and since it's pure ODD, I display everything in it without processing it. So comments get displayed too. But the comment shouldn't be there anyway, and now it isn't. So hoorah. On 06/10/15 23:51, Syd Bauman wrote:
Lou, Martin --
I think you're missing my point. There is something different between the HTML Lou is building (in which comments inside <content> are displayed somehow) and the HTML Mr. Jenkins and I are building (in which comments inside <content> are summarily dropped -- after all, they are comments).
If I had to hazard a guess I would say Lou is using different, partially PureODDified, stylesheets. But if that's *not* the case, this is something we may want to investigate.
So, either the comment was added to the github repo after Jenkins took his copy, or Jenkins took his copy after I removed it. As I said, so long as it's not there in the release, I really don't mind!