Hi all, Inspired by Martin's work on Docker-izing Jenkins, I've been playing around with the idea of using Docker to set up an easily usable and replicable build and test environment. As those of you who don't use Linux as your daily work environment know all to well, getting the Guidelines and Stylesheets building is a total pain. I was finally able to get a full make dist going for the Guidelines on OS X, but only after a long time messing about with installing TEX and getting all the right fonts—all of which has to be done manually, since there aren't packages. Enter Docker. I've made an image with Ubuntu and all of the prerequisites for building and testing on it, into which you can map your cloned TEI and Stylesheets repos. This means you can work on them in your own environment, but build and test them in the Docker image. Detailed instructions on doing this are at http://teic.github.io/TCW/testing_and_building.html. I've tested it on a clean Mac, and it works. I'd love to know if it works on Windows. It should. The Docker image is a bit huge, I think mostly because of the texlive stuff. There may be things that can be done to prune it a little. But it might take a while to install at home if you don't have a fast connection. Please let me know if it works, or doesn't work for you. Happy Holidays! Hugh