Forwarding this reminder to tei-council to remind them that they
need to keep a watching eye on such pull requests. (Once set up,
we should get notifications sent to tei-council if possible)
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: editing the TEI stylesheets
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2015 09:43:31 +1200
From: Stuart A. Yeates
CC: Sebastian Rahtz
OK, so I sent a pull request almost a week ago
Do I need to notify someone? Or has feedback gone somewhere I'm
...let us be heard from red core to black sky
On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 10:01 PM, James Cummings>
Hi Stuart,
The TEI Technical Council is currently reviewing how it uses
GitHub as part of examining whether it is a suitable
replacement for SourceForge in moving Guidelines development
there. As you know, it moved the Stylesheets (and other
software) building there some time ago. Although you (and
various others) are members of the Stylesheets repository I
believe the correct github etiquette is to fork, then issue a
pull request. However, I think as long as you are flagging
that you are making the change (or open an issue and then
make the change as a result of that) it should probably be
fine. (Though when you say 'regularise the display of
attribute values' I'd be interested to know what you mean by
regularise. There are some options and logic already in
there.) The change in your forked version won't get looked at
by Jenkins. We're also looking at whether some of the GitHub
hosted alternative continuous integration systems might
replace Jenkins. So, to be honest, you could do either, but
fork+change+pull-request will ensure that it gets other eyes
on it before going into the system. Jenkins uses the most
up-to-date stylesheets when next building the Guidelines. I
know it used to email when doing commits to the Guidelines SF
SVN repository that broke something (or more accurately when
someone committing around the same time as you broke
something ;-) ) and I'm assuming that is still the case. I
don't think it emailed just when it was running a job based
on your commits...just when that job failed and your commit
was one of those possible causes.
That is my understanding at least, some of our council github
gurus may correct me.
On 12/08/15 10:26, Stuart A. Yeates wrote:
I've got a change I'd like to make to the stylesheets
used to generate the HTML version of the standard (a
minor change to regularise the display of attribute
values), but I'm not quite sure how to go about it.
Do I just push a change request to ? Or fork it? Does
that get tested by jenkins?
Jenkins used to send me emails when it ran a job based on
my commits, but I've not seen one for a couple of recent
commits, is that because I'm not on the council any more?
...let us be heard from red core to black sky
Dr James Cummings,
Academic IT Services, University of Oxford
Dr James Cummings, Academic IT Services, University of Oxford TEI