Re what is to be included in the release, especially about the current pull requests, see #1901 Unihan phase2: although the underlying ticket is marked as green, this PR (taking some predecessors in account) was added only a few days ago. My instinct would be not to include it now because it’s too hot and I don’t see and Council member being really engaged in this currently? But I just added a Jenkins job for that branch so if anyone is willing to review that last minute, please do! #1899 Build tweaks related to testing: This looks like a minor and uncontroversial issue but I don’t have time to review. #1892 Measurement: this should really be our priority because it’s around for long(er). Elisa just fixed the last (technical) issues so the build succeeds but now we should take a careful look at the result at #1665 att.referring for <span>: quoting from the f2f minutes: "Syd and I [HC?] both think @referringMode is problematic, so the pull request can't be accepted as-is. There's also a dependency on the new standoff stuff in the examples, so perhaps discussion of this should be rolled into the standoff WG discussions. Needs a proposal, not a pull request. Also discussion in a separate Council call, and fold it into the standoff proposal.“ Best Peter
Am 02.07.2019 um 15:42 schrieb Elisa Beshero-Bondar
: My calendar tells me we have entered the Refrigeration period leading to the Freeze scheduled for 9 July next week. I have seen that Refrigeration is often, ironically, a moment of heated work as we try to resolve big issues and introduce something we care about for the next release. I am trying that now with the long overdue Measurement code (unitDecl, unitDef, etc), which really ought to be coming out. I see intense activity with uniHan right now and wonder if that too is targeted for this release?