Dear Martina, I would be happy to serve on the program committee for the conference. Given that I have already served in this role perhaps half a dozen times, I would also be happy not to in order to give someone else who wants to do so the chance. However, I have a concern:
- vote on (critical) split decisions concerning acceptance of submissions
I am not 100% sure what this means. If you mean "vote on submissions when two or more end up tied (or close to tied, or for some other reason difficult to decide among)", then that may be just fine. But if you mean "vote on submissions when the chair and local organizer can't agree", I have a bone to pick. IMHO submissions should be chosen by the Committee, not the chair; and while the local organizer might be permitted to voice an opinion, he or she should not have a vote. For at least one, and perhaps several, recent previous conferences the PC Chair has treated the Committee as a group of reviewers, not the group that decides. I think this is an inappropriate process. Ideally (IMHO) dozens of volunteer peer reviewers from the community should perform several reviews each. Committee members should then, based on the input from the reviewers, choose which submissions are accepted. (This means that Committee members should probably at least scan all submissions, and may have to read many, if not most, quite carefully.) The Chair may or may not actively participate in the actual selection. If the Chair is not actively involved in which submissions are chosen, then the Chair casts a vote only if there are ties. If the Chair is actively involved in which submissions are chosen, and there are an even number of Committee members voting on a particular submission, then the Chair's vote counts double (so that there is an odd number). Note that, because one or more Committee members may need to recuse themselves on any given submission, there can be an odd number of members voting on one, and an even number the next. I have to admit I haven't thought about what happens if the Chair needs to recuse him- or herself. Once submissions are chosen, the Chair is responsible for organizing the order of presentations; the Chair may seek the assistance of the Committee if she wants, and may well ask the opinion of the local organizers as well (especially, e.g., when there are concerns about acoustics or some such). At least, that's how *I* think this should work.
The preparations for the TEI conference in Graz from September 16 to 20 have already started and we would like to put together the program committee soon. As every year, we hope that some of the TEI Council members will support the PC. Please let me know if you want to be part of it.
Your responsibilities would be: - comment on the call proposal which will be proposed by chair and local organizers - reviewing submissions - vote on (critical) split decisions concerning acceptance of submissions - review and comment on final program, which will be proposed by chair and local organizers