As you may have noticed, our NVDL validation process for files in the P5 Source has been failing recently, with this error: "Attribute @xsl:dummy-for-xmlns is not allowed on element <xsl:stylesheet>" I raised this on the Oxygen forum, and we have two possible solutions suggested by Radu: <http://www.oxygenxml.com/forum/post34459.html> One involves a patch to Oxygen, which I'm going to try out first. If that works, I think we should just wait for it to come out in 17.1. The other involves changing the namespace prefix in our isosch file, which looks trivial but will need some investigation to make sure it will work just in that individual file, or whether there are other uses of that prefix that will need to be brought in line elsewhere in the specs. I don't think so (except for one in constraintSpec.xml), but some caution might be in order; there's a lot of stuff in Utilities that looks like it might be affected. Cheers, Martin