c.f. http://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/AB.html#index-front.1_di... (Which btw is a horrible, presumably auto-created at some point, ID that we should change sometime.) Basically: "In TEI usage, a group is distinguished from a list in that the former associates several objects which act as a single entity, while the latter does not. For example, a linkGrp combines several link elements which have certain properties in common, whereas a listBibl simply lists a number of otherwise unrelated bibl elements." And I've got a memory of it in some TCW explaining naming of elements somewhere else but couldn't find that in a quick search. -James -- Dr James Cummings, James.Cummings@newcastle.ac.uk School of English Literature, Language, and Linguistics, Newcastle University ________________________________ From: Tei-council <tei-council-bounces@lists.tei-c.org> on behalf of Syd Bauman <s.bauman@northeastern.edu> Sent: 30 October 2018 18:33:11 To: TEI Council Subject: [Tei-council] policy on grouping element name Do we have a written policy on when a grouping elment for Xs is named <listX> vs <XGrp>? I think the policy should be that we use <listX> when the order of Xs does, or may, have significance; we use <XGrp> when the order of Xs does not, or should not, have significance. In alphabetic order by the part of the GI that says what is being contained, we have: * altGrp * listApp * listBibl * listChange * listEvent * listForest * gramGrp * interpGrp * joinGrp * linkGrp * locusGrp * measureGrp * modelGrp * listNym * listOrg * listPerson * personGrp /* not really the same sort of animal */ * listPlace * listPrefixDef * rdgGrp * listRef * listRelation * spanGrp * specGrp * specGrpRef * spGrp * surfaceGrp * listTranspose * listWit While I think several of these arguably do not fall into my definitions above, I still think it may be a useful guideline for future names. Unless, of course, we already have a guideline for future names. :-) _______________________________________________ Tei-council mailing list Tei-council@lists.tei-c.org http://lists.lists.tei-c.org/mailman/listinfo/tei-council