Per previous deprecation (see #1479), I went to change the
deprecation of the use of <secFol>, <signatures>, or <catchwords>
outside of <msDesc> to an error.
HOWEVER, when we do that we get validation errors on <egXML> that has
only one of those three elements without any context. SO I changed
the actual Schematron to
The sch:name/ element should not be used outside of msDesc.
and changed the 2 <egXML>s that had <catchwords> as a descendant, but
not child, so that they each contain an <msDesc> wrapper.
I'm not entirely sure why that works -- I thought example validation
was done by changing the namespace of each example to the TEI
namespace and then validating against a (modified) TEI schema. But
perhaps I'm wrong about that, or perhaps it's smart enough to change
the teix: prefix to be the TEI namespace, too.
Anyway, it seems to be working now, but because of other problems is
only checked into the new
branch. (Thanks to Hugh for helping me straighten out my git