As this discussion progresses, and the role of council becomes clearer - other than participating in the workshop, that is, I will mention that one very TEI-savvy person, who also works on epigraphy and who is in France, is Emmanuelle Morlock (https://www.hisoma.mom.fr/annuaire/morlock-emmanuelle). A possible contact for Vanessa. --elli On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 7:58 AM Vanessa Bigot-Juloux < vanessa.bigot-juloux@ephe.psl.eu> wrote:
Dear Martina, Dear colleagues,
I had a look at the minutes and saw that Vanessa added an item to the agenda that I missed during the meeting, sorry for that!
No worries--I have added it belatedly.
Regarding TEI workshop proposal: We haven’t received a call of session yet, so it is just something I would like to suggest to the organizers of this International conference. I think it can be a good opportunity to introduce TEI to neophytes. A suggestion of TEI workshop for Assyriologists which needs to be improved of course:
- Morning session, TEI intensive overview based from Assyriological data:
- What is TEI? - How TEI can help Assyriologists to improve their research wether it’s for philology, paleography, anthropology or other archaeological purposes (including a practical example with a list of goals for a specific project in order to be used (later during the morning session) to look for the good <elements> and @attributes). - What must a TEI practitioner need to know (TEI, ODD, XPath, XSLT, CSS) and why? - Short pratical examples: TEI (teiCorpus), XPath, XSLT (via Oxygen + preview in a browser). - How to read/use the guidelines (1) (used simultaneously with the practical examples).
- Afternoon session:
- How to read/use the guidelines (2). - What software to use and where to find assistance regarding this software? - Overview of TEI community and how to use Github in order to ask assistance to TEI community. - First step (suggestion to TEI tech council) to neophyte: TEI online mentoring, who, why and how?
As for the morning session, I suggest working on a few practical examples (very short) that *participants will send prior* to the workshop in order to allow them to have a better idea of how TEI can help them. In addition, on a handout: a list of univ. who propose TEI/Xpath/XSLT training and online course (i.e.: Marjorie and Elena online training). After the sessions, I suggest giving a short questionnaire in order to list the needs of Assyriologists and how we can improve our guidelines/assistance to them.
What do you think? Of course it means I’ll need support for this intensive day—from my university (i.e. Peter Stokes if he’s available during summer time) or a TEI tech council colleague (in Europe?).
In advance, thanks for your kind advices.
Best, Vanessa
Le 23 oct. 2018 à 00:07, Scholger, Martina (martina.scholger@uni-graz.at) <martina.scholger@uni-graz.at> a écrit :
Dear Vanessa and all,
I had a look at the minutes and saw that Vanessa added an item to the agenda that I missed during the meeting, sorry for that!
It is about the TEI workshop for ancient Near Eastern (ANE) scholars during the international conference of Assyriologists in July (Paris) https://iaassyriology.com/past-rencontres/
Vanessa, is it something that we can discuss via email?
Best wishes, Martina
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