Am 30.01.2015 um 16:55 schrieb Lou Burnard
: 1) you should not use @mode="add" together with @module on an <elementSpec> -- it's meaningless, since you are not allowed to add new things to existing TEI modules Hmm, is this a bug or a feature?
Some thoughts: * In an earlier version of the customization I added a module „correspondence“ and added all my classes and elements to this module. I think that’s a fair approach that should be supported. * we can delete elements from a TEI module, so why should we be not allowed to add stuff? Or is the „delete“ mode not really deletion but exclusion —> a quite sophisticated argument, though * since customizations can become sources of other customizations, what sense does it make to allow for deletions but not additions. (NB: a pure element subset of TEI_all does not guarantee a valid TEI file since I could delete e.g. teiHeader …) Anyway, thank you very much! I updated the proposal accordingly and it works like a charm :) Best Peter