Really? (I just checked, yes.) Wow. Two questions immediately jump to mind: 1) What on earth made you think to check such a thing? 1) What is the difference between tei:3.4.0 and tei:current with respect to the @columns attr of <layout>? (The last change to <layout> seems to have been back in July, and to tei_enrich back in January; to <elementSpec> in Nov 2016, and to <attDef> in July). Is a given release of the Guidelines somehow bound to a given release of the Stylesheets? I want the build to work, so I'm all in favor of tying tei_enrich to 3.4.0, or perhaps even something earlier. But then again, I had nothing to do with creating this exemplar. Lou and James, what do you think? Certainly Enrich could use some updating, in any case. The <editionStmt> is clearly false, as is the assertion that it is "a conformant subset of Release 1.1.0", since it extended 1.1.0 by adding <titlePage> to <msContents> (which is no longer necessary).
If we added source="tei:3.4.0“ to the Enrich ODD schemaSpec we’d fix the current build, I believe. I know it’s sort of a hack, but on the other hand we document the „freeze“ of this customisation and keep it stable.
What do you think? Peter
PS: We’d still need to investigate Syd’s a)