I read this as saying that you don't like the positioning of tsfkas as a one size solution, not its name. So not calling it something vague and generic like simple or neat would get your vote. The other concerns I claim have been st least addressed in the additions made to the text since we discussed it in Vienna, Sent from my Honor Mobile -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: [tei-council] what's in a name? From: "Mylonas, Elli" To: tei-council@lists.tei-c.org CC: I like the idea of a customization being for something. I understand (and don't want to kick off the discussion about who uses TEI and who should use it) that SIMPLE is trying to solve a problem. What I object to is the assumption that the text encoding on-ramp should be with western printed books. I don't begrudge that community their customization and documentation - as I commend other widely adopted disciplinary efforts. I just don't think this is one size fits all and it has a rather paternalistic feel to it when it moves into that territory (don't shoot me). That said, this is a very useful piece of work, my point of view is skewed by the kinds of encoding I encounter more regularly than the printed book, and the name will be adopted and used quickly whatever it is. For me, the biggest objective comment on SIMPLE is that it will be confused with Lite, Tite etc. so Print may be the best alternative as per Hugh. Bookish is good, but a little too culturally specific. I don't have any further suggestions. Neat is also inoffensive, if not descriptive. --elli [Elli Mylonas Senior Digital Humanities Librarian and Center for Digital Scholarship University Library Brown University library.brown.edu/cds] On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 12:57 PM, Magdalena Turska <tuurma@gmail.com> wrote:
All that discussion of names makes me think we should choose something fairly meaningless but somehow appealing[1]. So, a brand name, if you want: easy to remember and with pleasant connotations, not necessarily descriptive or accurate.
Simple actually is such a name. But if not that, how about TEI Lean or TEI Neat (already proposed but went without comments). Perhaps other ideas in that vein?
I like the sound of Bookish as working title but support James' reserve it's not serious enough, even for me.
At the end of this, do we have a vote or what? I wonder how to get this discussion leading somewhere...
[1] one of the aims of having that customization being selling (or actually giving for free) the idea to innocent librarians and students who couple months down the road realize they've gotten themselves into an expensive habit, right? ;-)
On 21 October 2016 at 17:34, James Cummings <James.Cummings@it.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
On 21/10/16 17:31, Kevin Hawkins wrote:
If you'll allow your webmaster to interject, let me say that I support "TEI Bookish". Lite and Tite, and Simple are all easily confused because of phonic and semantic similarity, which means no one can keep them straight. On the other hand, "bookish" sticks in your head. --Kevin
That to me seems like an argument against it.... ;-)
I'm usually prone to the Silly but the 'ish' just seems like we're not taking it seriously at all to me.
but I should stop whinging and let others have their say so I'll shut up for awhile. ;-)
-- Dr James Cummings, James.Cummings@it.ox.ac.uk Academic IT Services, University of Oxford -- tei-council mailing list tei-council@lists.tei-c.org http://lists.lists.tei-c.org/mailman/listinfo/tei-council
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