Dear Council, That sound you hear is a squeal of anguish. I have to be in Washington DC on 29th April (my project won the 5th largest ever DAG grant from the NEH, and so I really need to be there for the celebration of the awards), which means that I will be flying back to London Thursday morning…and then straight out again for the Face-to-Face. It’s going to be a hideous, hideous journey. This is what I get for being 20 minutes late to the meeting. Oxford would have made life very much better. All of which by way of saying, if I could have details about where we are staying and which airport is best to use ASAP it would be very, very helpful, because trying to sort travel plans is complicated. As it is, I don’t think there’s even a direct flight from London unless I’m looking at things wrong…. Best wishes, N.