Hi Lou, I think you'd have to uninstall or unsubscribe to any existing versions of the TEI plugin before you could subscribe either to stable or bleeding. I think the only Jenkins build worth subscribing to right now (from the point of view of helping us by testing) would be the bleeding-edge one. The one that's dated May 14 is probably the original test build from the Jenkins server; that no longer exists. But if this is giving you headaches, just unsubscribe to the Jenkins ones completely and subscribe to the release version on tei-c.org. Sorry to have made this so complicated. Cheers, Martin On 15-06-04 11:10 AM, Lou Burnard wrote:
Well, I am totally confused.
I don't like the sound of bleeding edges, so I have installed (I think) the stable version on both this desktop and my laptop. In both cases, I have a fresh installation of Oxygen 17.0
desktop: "Manage Add-ons" says I have build 2015-05-14-103611 (version 2.8.46) laptop: same thing says I have 2015-05-26-093412 (version 2.8.14)
Pressing Update in this dialog in both cases says there are no updates available
Neither machine will allow me to subscribe to either the new oxygen-tei-stable or the oxygen-tei-bleeding, claiming variously that it is incompatible, or already installed.