This is from 2015-06-02 10:12, and is worth reading and reminding ourselves of the issue.
Indeed. Clearly there is controversy over this, although I thought it would be pretty straigtforward. So that we don't forget to address it, I've just created bug 762 and made it amber.
BTW, yes, <precision> is, IMHO, the right answer. The problem there is that @atLeast and @atMost are (appropriately) defined as data.numeric, not a temporal datatype.
Using LOC dates would also solve the problem.
Digging a little bit in the archives reveals that we had that sort of discussion before. Personally, I’m with Syd and would not mix notBefore/notAfter with from/to (nor with when) but this seems not to be agreed practice: * * BTW, for all sorts of fuzziness we have <precision>.