But I can reach Stack Overflow from home, so I was able to find out. W3C says that in XSD-land the defaults are simply "1", and it is invalid to specify a @maxOccurs that is less than @minOccurs. Corollaries: * when @maxOccurs is *not* specified, only two values are valid for @minOccurs: namely "0" and "1"; * if @minOccurs is specified as "2" or greater, then @maxOccurs is required; * a lone @maxOccurs (i.e., no @minOccurs) of "0" is invalid. I think there is something to be said for this approach, which I will add to the ticket as (g).
Can anyone answer Lou's question below? If no one knows off top of head, someone should research it. (I can't check right now, as for reasons I don't understand I cannot connect to the W3C website from home.)