I updated Stylesheets, and pulled the latest P5 sources, and ran "make clean; make" Everything worked up to the point where the "special purpose" validity checks began. At that point I got a shed load of annoying errors, starting with BUILD: Check validity with special-purpose XSL code, looking for bad links etc ANT_OPTS="-Xss2m -Xmx752m -Djava.awt.headless=true" ant -q -lib Utilities/lib/saxon9he.jar -f antbuilder.xml -DXSL=/usr/share/xml/tei/stylesheet validators [echo] Run Schematron script (normal part of Guidelines) [echo] Run Schematron script (Examples in Guidelines marked as valid) [echo] Run ad hoc XSLT validators BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 27 seconds <Messages> <ERROR>Schematron error: The data.certaintyconstruct is outdated (as of 2018-10-01); ODD processors may ignore it, and its use is no longer supported [Test: @validUntil cast as xs:date ge current-date()] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[1]</ERROR> <WARNING>Schematron warning: The data.certainty construct becomes outdated on 2018-10-01 [Test: @validUntil cast as xs:date ge $advance_warning_period] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[1]</WARNING> [and so on for a few screens, concluding with] <WARNING>Schematron warning: The macro.anyXML construct becomes outdated on 2018-06-12 [Test: @validUntil cast as xs:date ge (current-date() + (60*xs:dayTimeDuration('P1D')))] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/specGrp[1]/macroSpec[7]</WARNING>
<ERROR>Schematron error: Error: both the versionDate and xml:lang attributes on "remarks" are required when it is a child of "attDef". [Test: not( @xml:lang and @versionDate )] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[22]/div[3]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[4]/attList[1]/attDef[1]/remarks[1]</ERROR> Makefile:185: recipe for target 'valid' failed make: *** [valid] Error 1 lou@foxglove:~/Public/TEI/P5$
Tell me, what have I done to deserve this?