17 Mar
17 Mar
11 a.m.
Dear all, I think we can move on with the ticket 505 „redefine <msPart>“. A I read the responses on TEI-L, there is a majority in favor of widening the semantics of <msPart> to include fragments. The related issue #661 concerned with empty content of <msIdentifier> (or to make it optional) seems to get rejected, in contrast. So, we need to alter the description of <msPart> as well as some prose as explained in [1]. Concerning examples, I can provide a 19th century letter … Stefanie, would you like to go on and implement those changes? Best Peter [1] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bpBPughQp5sOoB13iTMHMeRd88Mjv12_eGZiQXY-...