Let's talk about it on Thursday, when we'll have more than 5 people in attendance. On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 12:23 PM, Lou Burnard <lou.burnard@retired.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
When polling closed 15 minutes ago, 5 votes had been cast. This is only half the current membership of Council. I conclude that there is no strong desire amongst council members to express an opinion on the matter, which I persist in thinking suggests we would be ill-advised to change the status quo. Would it be a good idea to go with the majority figure (3 votes) when that represents the view of less than a third of the electorate? I think not. I am therefore going to assume this baby is still called TEI Simple, and intend to devote the little time left before it is integrated it into the next release to improving the examples, and checking that it works properly, rather than the (fairly daunting) task of changing its name everywhere. We also, may I remind you, need to make it more visible on the website, and integrate it into the oXygen framework.
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