I think that, as a general principle, adding a value for @source to indicate the Guidelines release against which any ODD was defined, IS A VERY GOOD IDEA.

On 05/10/18 11:48, Peter Stadler wrote:
If we added source="tei:3.4.0“ to the Enrich ODD schemaSpec we’d fix the current build, I believe.
I know it’s sort of a hack, but on the other hand we document the „freeze“ of this customisation and keep it stable.

What do you think?

PS: We’d still need to investigate Syd’s a)

Am 05.10.2018 um 05:57 schrieb Syd Bauman <s.bauman@northeastern.edu>:

The dev branch now has all the deprecations valid until 2018-10-01
removed, and its build working ala Travis. However, said build is not
working in Jenkins (on either jenkins or jenkins2 -- for some reason
the former does not have parsed console output, but it is the same
error), and is working on my local system, after a fashion.

The error on Jenkins, however, is completely mysterious. It has
*nothing* to do with anything that I am aware of having changed.
The ONVDL validation of Exemplars/tei_enrich.odd against
Exemplars/tei_enrich.nvdl is failing with
  error: bad value for attribute "columns"
where the value for @columns is "1", and thus is perfectly fine.

I can, with some effort, reproduce this error on my local system. All
of the @columns attrs in tei_enrich.odd are on elements in the teix:
namespace, i.e. within <egXML>. I am pretty sure the only schema
tei_enrich.nvdl runs against that namespace is
tei_enrich-examples.rng. And lo and behold, when I look at that
schema the definition of @columns of <layout> is obviously screwball:
| <attribute name="columns">
|   <a:documentation xmlns:a="http://relaxng.org/ns/compatibility/annotations/1.0">specifies
|   the number of columns per page</a:documentation>
|   <list>
|     <rng:empty xmlns:rng="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"/>
|   </list>
| </attribute>

I poked around and found that the tei_enrich.odd file changes the
definition of <layout> a teeny bit:
| <elementSpec ident="layout" mode="change" module="msdescription">
|   <attList>
|     <attDef ident="columns" mode="change" usage="req"/>
|   </attList>
| </elementSpec>
But that specification is in a paragraph of prose that essentially
negates it:
| <p>Note that if (as in the last example above) no value is given for
| the <att>columns</att> attribute, the assumption is that there is a
| single column of writing on each page.
(And is incorrect, in that the prior example does have a value for

So I claim that
a) This is a Stylesheets issue. Somehow changing @columns to
   required has nuked its datatype, which is supposed to be
     ( data.count, data.count? )
b) The Enrich ODD has other problems, too

I'm too tired now to do much more on this tonight.
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