I don't understand this comment. There is only one <schemaSpec> in the simplePrint odd. It contains 8 specGrpRef elements. The ODD is composed of the specGrps referenced from these. There is no specification element anywhere else. So what do you mean by "the right schemaSpec"?

Just to follow up my earlier comments -- after I'd merged the two classSpecs for att.global, I could generate a valid schema *and* a valid examples schema using oXygen, but not from within the Makefile.

So I'm giving up and going to tend my tomatos now.

On 27/06/2019 16:34, Raffaele Viglianti wrote:

We did explore this issue last Friday at the XSLT Group call and the
problem is related to how simplePrint's ODD is structured: it uses
specGrpRef to declarations that are not children of schemaSpec, which is
totally fine, but the processing gets confused. In particular we noticed
that some references to attribute classes get duplicated in the RNG. We
were not successful in fixing this last Friday and I'm not 100% who's in
charge of fixing it soon (and I'm not volunteering because I'm swamped, but
will follow orders if compelled). The strategy we were trying was to move
the specGrps inside the *right* schemaSpec before processing further.

For further reference, this issue seems to have originated after changes to
support multiple schemaSpecs.


On Thu, Jun 27, 2019 at 11:14 AM Lou Burnard <lou.burnard@retired.ox.ac.uk>

The <schemaspec> in tei_simplePrint.odd says its @ident is "teisimpleprint"

The stylesheets use this value when generating .nvdl and -examples.rng

But the makefile expects these files to be called tei_simplePrint.*

... fixing the @ident moves the problem: whatever it is that generates
tei_simplePrint-examples.rng is not producing an invalid RNG schema.
On 27/06/2019 15:47, Peter Stadler wrote:

Well, you can generate a schema but the test fails when diffing against the expected result.
And: resulting rng and rnc files (for tei_simplePrint) are not valid due to "reference to undefined pattern „att.global.rendition.attribute.rendition““ — I haven’t checked xsd, though.

Since tei_simplePrint.odd hasn’t changed, that’s a Stylesheets bug. I suspect this commit https://github.com/TEIC/Stylesheets/commit/fcd21ce1542dc8429423e99024d1bc6af272f425 <https://github.com/TEIC/Stylesheets/commit/fcd21ce1542dc8429423e99024d1bc6af272f425> <https://github.com/TEIC/Stylesheets/commit/fcd21ce1542dc8429423e99024d1bc6af272f425> to be the root of the problem because it introduces a check for the proper schemaSpec (when there are more than one). Yet it expects those elementSpecs to be descendants of that schemaSpec which is not (necessarily) true for spcGrpRefs (which simplePrint) uses a lot.


Am 27.06.2019 um 16:05 schrieb Lou Burnard <lou.burnard@retired.ox.ac.uk> <lou.burnard@retired.ox.ac.uk>:

I just tried generating XSD from the teiSimplePrint.odd in oXygen and it worked just fine. So that's not where the problem lies...

On 27/06/2019 12:57, Peter Stadler wrote:

Hi Lou,

yes, the build is currently broken :(
Stylesheets group was going to tackle it but my feeling is we’re stuck? Is anyone actively working on that issue?


Am 27.06.2019 um 13:35 schrieb Lou Burnard <lou.burnard@retired.ox.ac.uk> <lou.burnard@retired.ox.ac.uk> <mailto:lou.burnard@retired.ox.ac.uk> <lou.burnard@retired.ox.ac.uk>:

My occasional practice of doing

git pull


in my local copy of the dev repo seems to have hit a rock again.

../run-onvdl tei_simplePrint.nvdl tei_simplePrint.odd
fatal: file not found: /home/lou/Public/TEI/P5/Exemplars/tei_simplePrint.nvdl (No such file or directory)
java -jar ../Utilities/lib/trang.jar  tei_simplePrint.rng tei_simplePrint.rnc
java -jar ../Utilities/lib/trang.jar   -o disable-abstract-elements tei_simplePrint.rng tei_simplePrint.xsd
/home/lou/Public/TEI/P5/Exemplars/tei_simplePrint.rng:475:61: error: reference to undefined pattern "att.global.rendition.attribute.rendition"
Makefile:71: recipe for target 'tei_simplePrint.dtd' failed
make[1]: *** [tei_simplePrint.dtd] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/lou/Public/TEI/P5/Exemplars'
Makefile:201: recipe for target 'exemplars' failed
make: *** [exemplars] Error 2

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