Hi Council, hi Martin,
the subject is a little misleading, so let me explain the issue (sorry, lengthy again):
Say, you want to build the TEI Guidelines but don’t have the TEI Stylesheets installed/downloaded on your machine. In the Makefile (under TEI/P5) you’ll find the following lines
which suggests that you can point to an online resource for the Stylesheets (see the last line of the code snippet).
Yet, that does not work and probably never(!) worked, because in the ant built file (TEI/P5/antbuilder.xml) the stylesheets are called like
<xslt processor="trax" force="yes" style="${XSL}/odds/odd2json.xsl" in="p5subset.xml" out="p5subset.js“>
URIs can be consumed by the ANT XSLT task, but then we’d need to replace the @style attribute with a nested style element. When using a nested style element (with an appropriate url element), we’re getting in trouble with our current practice which is to only use relative paths (almost) everywhere but without providing a proper scheme. This seems like a whole can of worms and I already tried several things but nothing really worked without rewriting too much code.
Any comments and/or ideas are welcome