We are scheduled to hold a Stylesheets meeting on Thu 26 Aug 21 at 17:30Z for 1.5 hours. That is
  • 10:30–12:00 PDT (JJ, MH)
  • 13:30–15:00 EDT (SB, EBB, MB, HC, JL, RV)
  • 18:30–20:00 BST (HSB?, NC, MT?)
  • 19:30–21:00 CEST (MS, PS)
Martina — let me know if you want me to send out a Zoom link, or, if you would prefer just to send it out yourself. Also, I presume we will be taking notes on our scratchpad but let us know if you have other plans.

Proposed agenda:
  1. Admonish everyone (except MH) for not testing the examples in TCW32 and putting your results in the GoogleDoc.
  2. Housekeeping (location of notes, certification of quorum, birthday announcements, etc. :-)
  3. Remind everyone to test the examples in TCW32, using the GoogleDoc as a guide.
  4. Tickets. Possibilities include
    1. <empty/> element not processed #263: LB→HC. Next step, I think, is to create a test suite.
    2. .docx to TEI P5 XML Document conversion fails #405: fricke-steyer→PS. Do we bother? What about Tomaz’s extra problem posted 2020-10-13?
    3. tei-to-markdown.xsl needs a template to handle images #511: MH→EBB. MH says it is simple. Seems it would be, but we have all heard that before. 😀
    4. <ptr> in <desc> gets dropped in rng #513: NC→NC. Probably one of those cases for which it is very hard to figure out what is going on, but easy to fix once you figure it out. Maybe.
  5. Implore everyone to test the examples in TCW32, using MS’s GoogleDoc as a guide.