Hi Syd,

That is the standard way that those profiles work, by importing html.xsl (which of course imports all the common and html xslt), isn't it? The HTML is just a pass through for those doing readme files that have some html embedded. 

The makefile I was referring to was the P5 one at: 


But that was just how I was figured out which XSLT profile is being called for the release notes.

You are right that grabbing version is a problem, but you've omitted the _real_ problem which is that xslt is run over every xml file in the directory. So you can't pass it the current version.  Instead, you would need to get it from the filename itself. So we'd have to get it from the filename. We should be able to do something like: 

<xsl:variable name="filename" select="(tokenize($document-uri,'/'))[last()]"/>
to get the filename and then remove the version number from that.

Note, if doing this that it would have to be tei:gi[not(ancestor::tei:ref)] or something, right? (Since there are readme files that already have the refs around them. ;-) 

Just thinking out loud,



Dr James Cummings, James.Cummings@newcastle.ac.uk
Senior Lecturer in Late-Medieval Literature and Digital Humanities

School of English, Newcastle University

From: Tei-council <tei-council-bounces@lists.tei-c.org> on behalf of Syd Bauman <s.bauman@northeastern.edu>
Sent: 25 January 2019 17:36:38
To: TEI Council
Subject: Re: [Tei-council] first draft release notes
Boy, I never looked at it before, but profiles/readme/html/to.xsl
looks like a very weird animal. It has templates that match the HTML
namespace and ones that match the TEI namespace.

That file imports html/html.xsl, which itself imports:
 html/html_param.xsl, and
 common/common.xsl, which itself imports:
  common/i18n.xsl, and

I've just looked through all of those (quickly), and none seem to
have a template that matches <gi> explicitly. So I think it's
probably quite reasonable to just tuck it in here. How would the code
in to.xsl get the version number (to point to the Vault)? A
parameter? Read P5/VERSION (in which case it needs to be updated
before this is run)?

> Not sure it does work automatically, one would think that it would
> follow the same thing that happens with the Guidelines but looking
> back through some earlier ones I'm not sure it does.
> Looking at the makefile which calls the ant script, I think that
> the release notes are generated using the 'readme' profile of the
> stylesheets. So:
> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FTEIC%2FStylesheets%2Fblob%2Fdev%2Fprofiles%2Freadme%2Fhtml%2Fto.xsl&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cs.bauman%40northeastern.edu%7C78fffd1087384f13a13808d682e30d03%7Ca8eec281aaa34daeac9b9a398b9215e7%7C0%7C1%7C636840309043744150&amp;sdata=jiZEhJPJpLYdUHejv%2Flu0hroUhf%2FBe01TbgIEJGIclA%3D&amp;reserved=0
> If we put a template in to handle tei:gi in that stylesheet that
> would probably do it. (Anyone else see a problem with that?)
> And yes, I think release notes should always point to the Vault of
> that version of the the Guidelines because if they point to the
> live site then by next version they might be out of date.
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